Thursday, August 27, 2020
Manage Risk Essay
Evaluation movement 1: Review authoritative procedures, techniques and prerequisites for undertaking hazard the board 1. Make your own definitions for the accompanying terms: a) Risk: A likelihood or danger of harm, injury, obligation, misfortune, or whatever other negative event that is brought about by outside or inside vulnerabilities, and that might be kept away from through preemptive activity. b) Risk the executives: The distinguishing proof, examination, evaluation, control, and evasion, minimization, or disposal of unsatisfactory dangers. c) Risk craving: The sum a business is eager to put in danger in the quest for its goals d) Risk limit: The sum a business is equipped for loosing before it imperils its own maintainability 2. Remark on the accompanying saying corresponding to the hazard the executives arrangements and practices of an association: â€Å" Organizations that neglect to design, plan to fail†If an association doesn't have a hazard plan is likely that any hazard happening with negative results happen association. On the off chance that the association has a hazard anticipation plan is likely that the hazard doesn't happen and the association and its laborers could deliver realize how to manage the negative outcomes of that hazard to limit that results. Appraisal movement 2: Determine scope for hazard the board procedure Case study Preferences: It will be all encompassing. Disservices: It will require broad assets to direct it appropriately, particularly if the extent of the hazard the executives is huge and covers a wide scope of exercises over the divisions; extremely huge number of approaches and systems; and is considering contrasts in each state, an area, nation. The extent of a hazard the board technique is completely intelligent of the association, its exercises and hazard profile. It can likewise be demonstrative of the accompanying: previous history, information and experience of hazard managementâ held by senior administration, accessible assets, outer natural variables. Appraisal movement 3: Identify interior and outer partners and their issues Why is it favorable to consider stakeholders’ issues all through the hazard the board procedure plan? Partners can contribute thoughts, vitality, aptitudes, recognizing dangers and make moves to viably oversee them. Partners can assume a powerful job toward the path and execution of the associ ation. Appraisal movement 4: Review political, monetary, social, legitimate, mechanical and strategy setting Consider your own organisation’s hazard profile and remark on the impact/sway every one of the accompanying variables has on it: †Political: Through authoritative and administrative changes, political distress, debasement and legally binding issues. †Economic: Through financial blasting/downturn, loan cost. †Social: Through maturing populace, movement, cultural patterns. †Legal: Through enactment changes, rules, code of training. †Technological: Through new innovation, purchaser conduct. †Policy: Through exercises of the business and the related dangers. Appraisal movement 5: Review qualities and shortcomings of existing plans 1. Lead a SWOT investigation for the current hazard the board practices of an association with which you are recognizable. SWOT investigation Name of association: GRAEL (shipping organization) Brief depiction of center capacity of the association: Qualities: Large establishments, staff with enough understanding, youthful armada vehicles, great costs and conveyance times, national inclusion. Shortcomings: High staff cost, low innovative level, private venture size. Openings: Short conveyance times, fulfilled costumer, execution of increasingly productive advancements, opening new markets. Dangers: New contenders, exacting guidelines, lower costs in the market, little limit of venture. I think this examination is very sufficient and exact on the grounds that objectives of this organization is to develop in the cargo advertise and fulfilling the client with complying with time constraints and the diminishing expense. in the event that the business comprehends what his shortcomings and dangers can be set to change over these offers in the polar opposite, that is, openings and qualities. Appraisal action 6: Document basic achievement elements, objectives or destinations for zone remembered for scope 1. Contextual analysis: Nautilus Boat Hire The business needs to set up explicit and feasible objectives on the grounds that in any case the hazard supervisory crew and the people in it will have no bearing, nothing to focus on. Objectives give a concentration and reason to activity. For this situation we need to transform shortcomings into qualities and dangers into circumstances and this must be explicit, unmistakable and quantifiable. Instances of how overseeing hazard that Nautilus Boat Hire could embrace: †Provide of life coat to all group of the pontoon. †Provide of guide administration in each outing. †Restructure the vessels to make their utilization simpler. Purchase vessels with simpler use. †Distributed to every traveler a leaflet educating the utilization regarding defensive sun cream and in any event, offering to buy such item additionally sell jugs of water. †Advertise of conceivable clamor contamination. This activities could assist our business with growing, oversee chance, and accomplish objectives. Appraisal movement 7: Obtain support for chance administration exercises 1. Getting individuals ready and keeping them connected with is a key piece of overseeing hazard. Clarify, in our own words, the significance of getting support for chance administration plans and procedures. In a business is significant getting support for hazard the executives plans and procedures in such a case that individuals don't comprehend the results of not overseeing hazard, they are probably going to see the procedure as more organization that removes them from playing out their center obligations. 2. Make your own agenda for the characteristics of a hazard the executives champion. †Commitment and conviction that overseeing hazard is something worth being thankful for to do. †A capacity to unhesitatingly talk about hazard and its administration. †Credibility inside the business, group, div ision. Appraisal action 14: Evaluate and organize chance for treatment 1. Utilizing the seriousness and probability grid that you made for Nautilus Boat Hire, list the dangers in need request and give explanations behind your rankings. 1â º. Individuals who are not solid swimmers, particularly youngsters, suffocating. Reasons: Negative effect on the business and the client. May cause the conclusion. 2â º. Customers making a ton of commotion when secured and occupants griping. Reason: Negative effect on the business. May cause the conclusion for clamor contamination. 3â º. Houseboat customers getting lost or potentially stuck on shoals. Reason: Negative effect on the business. Awful picture for the business. 4â º. Customers finding the houseboat hard to control in high breezes bringing about harm to the houseboat and additionally land structures. Reason: Negative effect on the business. A piece of the terrible picture for the business might be a charge course of action of these houseboat s. 5â º. Customers being burned from the sun and dried out on blistering, bright days. Reason: Risk is likely high to happen however with a low record of business sway. 2. Examine a portion of the issues that you may experience when attempting to decide need of dangers. The issue is the point at which you verify that there are a few dangers with a similar level of likelihood of event and with a similar level of seriousness when it happens. For this situation the issue that we find is which hazard we need to oversee first. Appraisal action 15: Determine and select most proper alternatives for rewarding dangers 1. In your own words, depict what the ALARP guideline means and give a case of it by and by. At the point when controls are applied to a hazard, it may be brought down to a level that is viewed as mediocre. On the off chance that the staff of a substance organization utilizes the proper defensive garments, the danger of physical harm happens by the utilization of synthetics will be not exactly in the event that you don't utilize the defensive garments. 2. Give ins tances of hazard that could be overseen by every one of the accompanying treatment systems a. Maintain a strategic distance from the hazard: Choose not to obtain cash to back a task: Expand the offices of the organization. On the off chance that I can't financeâ the development venture can't be completed. b. Diminish the hazard: Install cautioning signs to alarm individuals of a potential hazard: A development organization that is building a structure needs to flag alarms the threats of potential dangers. c. Offer the hazard: Contract numerous providers for every item: An organization committed to the assembling of given item must have various providers to guarantee that you can make this item regardless of whether a portion of the supplier neglects to flexibly the crude material. d. Hold the hazard: Agree that the little danger of a customer defaulting on installment in worth taking to get another line of business that would then be able to be utilized to prospect for different customers: The hazard is extremely little so it doesn’t impact in the new line of business. 3. Depict a circumstance from your own experience where you applied a control to a hazard. Clarify the idea of the hazard, which sort of control that you decided to utilize, what you really did and how effective it was. While moving overwhelming furniture you should utilize suitable, for example, a forklift components and you need to put the most proper stance for lifting substantial furniture to abstain from harming the back. You have to wear a defensive boots to forestall falling articles cause injury. Evaluation movement 16: Develop an activity plan for actualizing hazard treatment 1. Utilize the layout beneath, make a model activity intend to show how you would execute 2 hazard the board methodologies based on your personal preference. Evaluation action 17: Communicate chance administration procedures to pertinent gatherings Case study. Clarify who the activity plan, and its related subtleties, should be imparted to and when and how this could be best accomplished. The activity plan must be imparted to all gatherings who will have a duty regarding actioning or managing them. It needs to comm
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management and Organization in a Global environment
Question: Examine about the Management and Organization in a Global domain. Answer: Presentation The current day business world is mind boggling and the opposition between rival firms has arrived at a worldwide level. Business associations have gotten powerless against various inward and outside ecological variables that can change progressively and can make various issues the everyday working of associations. Ecological elements, for example, legitimate, legislative, social, monetary, and so forth are changing each day and are likewise compelling business organisations to realize certain adjustments in their tasks or work rehearses so as to support in the market (Grama and Todericiu, 2016). Most importantly, the adjustments in showcase drifts additionally causes it basic for organizations to get changes their work styles so they can stay serious (Gill, 2002). ABC Technologies Pvt. Ltd ABC Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an American organization that works in the innovation business and arrangements in PC other data frameworks. The organization was begun in 1978 and from that point forward, it has become one of the market heads in the nation. As of late, the organization has been confronting various issues to its market supportability as its benefits are dropping down and the opposition is rising. On leading different studies, the administration has found that the expanding cost of tasks is one of the prime factors that is meddling with the market abilities of the organization. The administration has likewise recognized that one of the regions where the organization can definitely reduce its operational expenses is the conveying cost of stock. The organization has been requesting save parts and crude material in mass and has been putting away it under master watch in its stockrooms that are situated all through the nation. After various gatherings with the senior adminis tration, the organization has chosen to achieve an adjustment in its stock administration framework and change to without a moment to spare stock administration framework as it would permit the organization to maintain a strategic distance from wastage of merchandise and increment proficiency by requesting merchandise just when they are required in the creation procedure (Investopedia, n.d.). By executing a without a moment to spare stock administration framework, the administration of ABC Technologies targets diminishing the operational expenses and become increasingly serious in the market. The change that the administration is intending to present in the organization is a huge framework change that would be done gradually and consistently. Change determinations At present, the administration has distinguished the need to get the ideal change while the partners have just been made mindful about the significance of the change. The administration is still in the structuring stage and is planning the whole change program with the assistance of all the concerned individuals. So as to present the adjustment in the association, the administration should mastermind another framework that would help it in dealing with its stock as indicated by in the nick of time framework. One of the major hierarchical territories that will experience a change on account of a move to without a moment to spare stock administration framework is the assembling unit. Accordingly, the board should guarantee that the assembling unit works easily regardless of whether the size of stock is decreased. The association should totally overhaul its stock administration process. As a matter of first importance, the association should dispose of all the stock that it is conveying right now by getting it into creation. Besides, the organization should tie up with providers who can offer them serious cost and can convey the crude material inside a limited capacity to focus time. Thirdly, the organization should build up a framework that would permit it to take orders from the clients and quickly process them by requesting crude material and assembling the final results. During the change, the activity jobs and obligations of individuals likewise may experience a change. With an adjustm ent in the stock administration framework, the organization will likewise encounter insurance changes in its assembling units and stockrooms and may likewise encounter a fall in its human asset request. Along these lines, the organization will likewise need to lead a workforce examination before actualizing the change and should overhaul the structure of certain units. Hazard assesment The dangers engaged with the change the board program, alongside their causes anticipation are talked about beneath: Deferral in orders probably the most serious hazard associated with without a moment to spare stock administration framework is that it can make delay in conveying orders the clients. The conceivable reason for postpone will be lack of stock or disappointment of the provider to convey the crude material on schedule. A preventive activity to keep away from the hazard will be to have contracts with various providers who can convey to the desires for the organization. Managing the surprising business associations can clearly encounter changes in client requests. In such circumstances, without a moment to spare stock framework can make it hard for organizations to manage the startling requests of the clients. To manage such dangers, the organization can connect with numerous providers who are happy to give less expensive crude material regardless of whether the amount requested is little (Investopedia, 2015). Cost of creation Just-in-time stock administration framework or creation framework includes requesting crude material in little amounts. Now and again, when JIT is executed to diminish operational costs, it can cause an expansion in the creation costs as the expense of crude material builds, which was in any case accessible at limited costs when requested in mass (Investopedia, 2015). Stackholders Involvement The association of the partners in realizing such a hierarchical change is exceptionally critical. The partners in this business are the workers, the proprietors of the organization and the investors. It is significant that the organization advises them about the change program and updates them as often as possible about each snippet of data as it is a significant change and will greatly affect the work tasks and the manner by which the association works, particularly for the representatives working in the assembling division. The individuals who will encounter the greatest effect of the change will be the individuals working in the assembling units. At the point when the association will make a move to in the nick of time creation, its creation will diminish fundamentally as it would fabricate merchandise at a much more slow pace or just when a client requests for it. Thus, the administration may encounter a circumstance where there is surplus staff in the assembling unit and can subsequently begin to lay-off workers so as to spare extra cost. The representatives will offer a lot of protection from the change program as it will enter their thoughts that their employments will be at a hazard and the change may bring about lost their positions. Then again, an activity to chop down the working expenses so as to support the market rivalry may be assumed in an incorrect manner by the partners as they would feel that the organization is experiencing a troublesome time and they may endure misfortunes later on. T hus, they may offer a specific level of protection from the change the executives program. So as to limit the opposition, the senior level administration should recognize certain change switches or change specialists from inside the association, who will help the administration in encouraging the change by going about as center men between the administration and the partners. It isn't important that the facilitators of progress or change specialists are those individuals who are at higher positions or administrative levels. It has been found that association chiefs, pioneers of various units, and so forth can end up being better facilitators of progress as the individuals view them as their good examples, can interface with them and will tune in to what they need to state. In the event that the administration can get such individuals ready, they can without much of a stretch assistance the administration in accomplishing its vital objectives. Usage Plan Executing a change program in a business association is perhaps the hardest assignment as indicated by the current day business world. There are sure factors that make it hard for the administration of business associations to effectively execute the change, for example, protection from change, dread of the obscure, absence of appropriate correspondence, and so forth. So as to actualize the change program for example making a move to without a moment to spare stock administration, the administration can follow the underneath given three phase usage plan that was proposed by Kurt Lewin. first stage or unfreezing In this stage the administration can create a desire to move quickly in the association by advising the partners about the zones where it losing skills and how a change can help the association in making an improvement when contrasted with its current status. This procedure will essentially include imparting some distress in the association or as the name proposes, it includes unfreezing the past work mentality or activities (Change Management Consultant, n.d.). second stage or change once the administration can carry it to the notification of the partners that a change is really required in their work mentalities or work tasks so as to realize some general upgrades in the association, the following stage is focused on really presenting the arranged changes. In this stage, the partners will start to explain those vulnerabilities that had created in the primary stage and will likewise become more acquainted with about the changes. During this stage, the genuine change will happen and individuals will have the option to recognize new ways that will help them in doing their work tasks easily. third stage or refreeze in the last stage, or the refreeze stage, the administration can commend the accomplishment of its
Job Rotation Programs Essay
Occupation revolution programs are very advancing however require a lot of vitality from both the organization actualizing the program just as the representatives. Occupation pivot is the deliberate development of representatives from employment to work inside an association. Occupation revolution is a methodical profession improvement procedure that moves representatives along the side and offers modified assignments for specific learning. Revolution task can run from six to eighteen months or more. Representatives who take an interest in work revolution programs build up a wide scope of aptitudes, and for the most part they are increasingly versatile to changes in occupations and professions and progressively drew in and happy with their employments in examination with laborers who spent significant time in a solitary range of abilities or area. †(Fiester, 2008) Participating in an occupation revolution program assists with forestalling stagnation and employment dreariness just as the chance to investigate elective vocation choices inside the association. I partook in Chrysler’s Management Trainee program and I had the option to work in four particular regions of the Procurement and Supply. As a purchaser, I had the option to see exactly how everything meets up. I worked with specialists and deals groups and assisted with cost cutting measures. I moved into the situation of travel director and worked with the trucking business. That permitted me to draw near to the Just-in-Time side of the business and working with drivers, plant calendars and winter climate issues. I at that point moved into the situation of Supplier the board and attempted to assist the providers with conveyance issues. My last pivot was in the plant where I saw everything meet up. In the plant, I really observed the parts that I had requested go onto the vehicle. I saw the procedure end up at ground zero. My turns permitted me to perceive how what I did as a purchaser influenced what occurs in the plant. In the plant, I was continually asking why parts were being moved to Mexico. I comprehended the cost investment funds, yet when you are trusting that a train will show up or a truck that is stuck at the outskirt †those choices become a serious cerebral pain. Article in Relation to HRM Companies overall are searching for approaches to not just acquire the best and the most brilliant, yet they are additionally searching for approaches to keep them. Occupation pivot programs permit organizations to give representatives choices. In the event that they can move around the organization in an organization supported program, they can perceive what kind of chances they like and would be best for their vocation yearnings. Selecting can get costly yet it you can permit your workers the opportunity to perceive what their alternatives are inside the organization, they are bound to remain. A formalized pivot programs permits them to move around with seeming as though they are hopping from employment to work. That doesn't look great. Continuing enthusiasm for a solitary activity isn't in every case simple and could mess maintenance up for organizations. There is a drawback to work pivots. In the event that the representatives enter the activity and don’t have the right stuff important, at that point the work will regularly fall on the others inside the division. Since there is an expectation to absorb information, and in light of the fact that the work needs to complete, somebody in the division should take up the leeway and there might be some obstruction or push back. (Jusko, 2011) End I would need to state that subsequent to taking an interest in the activity turn program at Chrysler, I was a vastly improved at every single activity after that. When I was in a purchasing position, I was particularly certain that I worked so as to cross the fringe or as a conveyance master, I talked about directing with providers. I would need to state that the most valuable time I spent was at the plant. Each choice produced using the structure of the vehicle to the area of the provider impacts what occurs as the gathering plant. It would be my proposal that each individual that has something to do with the assembling of anything turn through the plant and discover what the choice you make may mean down the line.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why only Thailand had not been under colonial rules Research Paper
Why just Thailand had not been under pilgrim rules - Research Paper Example European desire for exchange and utilization, creation domains and abuse of the slave work has delivered a colossal effect on numerous districts of the world. Though Spain was a pioneer in success and frontier extension compelling American native populace out so as to have their spot and plant the new religion, other European realms took up the twirly doo toward this path of advancement. The most impressive pilgrim realms were the Netherlands, Russian Empire, France and Great Britain. Looking to oversee whatever number gainful regions as could be allowed, the realms continued spreading their impact over the New World, Africa and Asia. As the world had seen the main flood of decolonization at the turn of the nineteenth century when the domains of the New World won their freedom debilitating Spain as the provincial realm, different pilgrims put their focus on the nations of the Old World, regions of South Africa, India and Southeast Asia specifically. The historical backdrop of the Southeast Asian district was set apart by the provincial principle and constrained communication between local governors and the remote powers that came to overcome and abuse the domains monetarily. Normally, the inceptions of the expansionism strategy lay in the support of Western human progress, in Europe. While the fundamental pioneers of the district were France and Great Britain, the Southeastern states included Burma, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and East Timor (Ingkhaninan). The start if extension occurred in the sixteenth century when Spain started intrusive war against the Philippines vanquishing the islands and keeping up power over them until 1898. Indochina, in its turn, turned into a field for French forceful extension with Vietnam and Cambodia being colonized and transformed into the alleged Indochinese Union. Afterward, in 1893, French pilgrims vanquished Laos. In this manner, nearly the
Characters of a Seperate Peace Essay Example
Characters of a Seperate Peace Paper Finny are the two primary characters of the book A Separate Peace by John Knowles. They are two exceptionally deferent individuals however figure out how to in any case be companions notwithstanding. Over the span of the book, it becomes clear Genes envy for Finny. Anyway given the idea of Gene and Fannys characters It Is practically Impossible for Gene to not begrudge Finny. Quality Is a superb scholarly understudy, however feels that he needs something else. When taking a gander at his Myers-Briggs character type he appears to fit into that classification off JIFFS. These sorts of individuals are said to think about individuals and work perpetually for beneficiary sake. They want to satisfy others and feel required. This applies to Gene with his very mutually dependent relationship with Finny. He needs to frantically to be what Finny is. Furthermore, a taking off feeling of opportunity uncovered this more likely than not been my motivation from the first: to turn into a piece of Phonies. (77) I accept that Gene frantically needs to fit in and be preferred and will satisfy anybody to do as such, however not without hatred being held. His longing to fit in and be something other then himself Is appeared In how rapidly he is happy to Join the military. Finny Is a magnificent competitor, enchanting, and interesting. We will compose a custom article test on Characters of a Seperate Peace explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Characters of a Seperate Peace explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Characters of a Seperate Peace explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer He can pull off Just about anything, the standards Just dont appear to concern him. When taking a gander at the Myers-Briggs test I would characterize him as a FEND. These kinds of individuals are said to be warm and excited individuals, and great at nearly anything they set their attention to. Finny has a specific hold over individuals, particularly Gene. Quality starts to understand this when he thinks What was I doing up here in any case? For what reason did I let Finny talk me into moronic things like this? Is it true that he was getting a hold over me? (9) Finny doesnt intend to be manipulative or have a hold over individuals he is veritable in his longing to make things progressively a good time for other people. When taking a gander at Gene and Finny as people you see two totally different individuals. You consider Gene to be somebody who feels the craving to please individuals yet isn't happy with himself, and Finny as somebody who Is a fabulous competitor and has an evident appeal. As a result of Gene and Flybys cozy relationship, Finny Is the individual Gene chooses to need to be Instead of himself. This craving at last converts into envy. At the point when Gene begins to get mindful of this new he legitimizes it by peering toward its a shared contention. Truly, I detected it like the perspiration of alleviation when sickness dies; I felt much improved. We were considerably all things considered, even in ill will. The lethal contention was on the two sides all things considered. (54) Gene accepts that since he is Jealous of Fannys athletic capacities, that Finny should consequently be Jealous of Genes scholastic accomplishments. When Finny tumbles off the tree because of Gene shaking it, from the start Gene feels a feeling of freedom instead of blame, in light of the fact that in a way he has vanquished Finny. Once Finny can never again be an extraordinary competitor the sentiment of jealousy is briefly lifted. Quality and Finny begin to cooperate as a unit, helping the other where they are frail. When Finny bites the dust, Gene is fulfilled in light of the fact that he will at long last live on to be Finny. In a Separate Peace the human instinct of jealousy Is taken a gander at. Quality feels an anomalous enormous disdain and jealousy towards Finny, while Finny appears to at first feel no jealousy at all towards Gene. When Finny kicks the bucket Gene is at long last ready to be Tree, wanly presents ten journey In my mina need IT Gene Ana never met Hon.: w he have kept on living on wanting to be somebody other then himself, or would he have arrived at self acknowledgment through an increasingly sound methods?
Friday, July 3, 2020
Items in a Series Examples
Items in a Series Examples Items in a Series When you list items in a series, it is important to punctuate them correctly to avoid confusion. Examples of Items in a Series: When you list two items, you can separate them with a conjunction. Remember that a conjunction is a word that joins two words, phrases, or sentences. When you list more than two items, you separate them as follows: Put a comma between all items, and put a comma + and before the last item. Items in a series can be single words or phrases. In addition, items in a series can be short sentences joined with commas and and. Examples of items in a series: Bread, milk, and cheese Jennifer, Mary, and Charlotte Red, yellow, and blue Example of sentences containing items in a series: 1) For breakfast, I had cereal, juice, and toast. 2) My best friends are Paul, Amanda, and Quinn. 3) The moon, the stars, and the sun all appear in the sky. 4) Brush your teeth, wash your face, and go to bed. 5) Christmas trees, cozy sweaters, and warm hot chocolate are three of my favorite things about December. 6) We read books, played games, and went outside to swing. 7) For homework, I have to read this book, do 30 math problems, and make a collage. 8) Spaghetti, pizza, and hotdogs are my brother's favorite foods. 9) On the table, I saw a pair of scissors, tape, a ruler, and some paper. 10) Mrs. Smith, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Peterson, and Mr. Lance are the four teachers on this hallway.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay on Colonists Living Among Natives in the New World
Colonists Living Among Natives in the New World When the Europeans invaded the New World in 1492 they brought along their culture and way of life. The Europeans were not prepared to encounter a previously developed culture, which was home to the Indians. The negative stereotype of the Indians as viscous savages and barbarians was immediately formed by the Europeans beginning as early as Christopher Columbus discovery of the New World. These negative stereotypes made Europeans believe that Indians were hardly human and believed that no civilized person would choose to become an Indian (Axtell, Invasion 302). When in fact the opposite became true. Despite the European view of Indians as savages, there were many English and French†¦show more content†¦Another European group that experienced the Indian way of life was the French fur traders. They took hundreds of young men into the pays den haut for months, even years at a time (Axtell, Invasion 303). In order for them to be successful trading partners with the Indians, the f ur traders adopted many aspects of native culture (303). To learn about the Indian culture, the fur traders wore Indian clothing such as, breechclouts, leggings, and moccasins. They learned to speak local dialects, eat native food, follow council protocol, and forged alliances with headmen (Axtell, European 277). These adaptations of the fur traders helped them to be accepted into the Indian culture. The majority of people who joined the Indian way of life were the English and French colonists who were captured by the Indians. Most of the colonists were captured for adoption into the Indian families, as opposed to the expected sale, ransom, torture or enslavement (Axtell, Invasion 304). One of the most interesting facts that does not support the idea of Indians as barbarians, is that most Indians chose their captives very carefully in order to cultivate them into Indian life. The Indians often kept their captive who they adopted, within the family and raised them as a member of the family, turning them into a white Indian. Although at first the Indians took many of the colonists against their will asShow MoreRelatedClash of Cultures1027 Words  | 5 Pagesof Cultures Native Americans and Colonist had sophisticated differences with so many factors, adding West Africans to the new world would contribute to even more catastrophic events to the three cultural groups during the changeover, the a chronologic and historical event leads to what is known today as the â€Å"Clash of Cultures.†Native Americans and Colonist at Jamestown Jamestown, sits in the fort of Virginia where Colonist first set foot and settled to the new world. For thousands ofRead MoreThe Colonization Of America, Australia And Antarctica1054 Words  | 5 Pageslittle of the world surrounding them. Outside of Europe and the Mediterranean, little was known, with rumors and imagination filling the gaps. 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He wanted to find a quicker directionRead MoreRelationships Among The Natives And Europeans1070 Words  | 5 PagesGrecia Loya United States History April 14, 2015 Relationships among the Natives and Europeans The stories regarding the Native Americans and European settlers all commence somewhat similar: the Natives welcome and help sustain the Europeans in the start. They become an instrumental piece to the European survival in the Americas. The relationship starts to change, however, as settlers grow independent. In some instances, when there is only personal gain to be acquired, the relationshipRead MoreMary Rowlandson And Franklin s Views On Western Society s View Of The Natives1078 Words  | 5 PagesWhen the colonists arrived to the new world, they were blind to the problems before them. They were in a time filled with thematic tribulations and conquest. They came across a group of people they never knew or seen before; they called them â€Å"Savages†or â€Å"Natives.†Various encounters with the Native Americans were documented with both negative and positive connotation. During this period of trial and error, time with the Natives seemed often terroristic and pea ceful. In various colonial texts severalRead MoreNative Americans During The Colonial Era1477 Words  | 6 Pagesproduct now has to be shared among them. This is similar to what happened to Native Americans in North America. Native Americans owned and lived in North America for several thousand years. Then, all of a sudden, European explorers came to North America and claimed the land â€Å"discovered†. Europeans started moving into the land and later, started sharing the land. Encounters between Europeans and Native Americans in the colonial era led to the exchange of diseases with Native Americans, a change in dietsRead MoreHistory1484 Words  | 4 Pagesthe various ways conquerors settled the New World, commenting on what worked, what did not work, and the consequences of those methods The Spanish official ‘s remark could mean that the primary reason for the conquest of a foreign territory is to look for lands in order to find new places to inhabit and develop . In other words , the conqueror must expand a kingdom ‘s territory by finding new places wherein some of its citizens could transfer to these new regions and establish themselves by developing
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Legacy Of The South - 854 Words
The South was in ruin. Politically, economically and socially, the post-Civil War South had to rebuild everything from its infrastructure to an economy no longer based on slave labor (â€Å"The New South†Lecture). Reconstruction found the southern United States in crisis and the rest of the country on the verge of exponential growth. Fortune seekers and families alike began moving West, followed by African Americans leaving the South in record numbers in the 1880s, heading toward the industrial cities of the northeast (â€Å"Industrialism†Lecture). A large influx of immigrant workers coupled with new management techniques and technologies, including assembly line production, created an America in transition, especially for women. Black, white, native-born or immigrant, American women found themselves moving West, helping rebuild their communities, or working in factories (Compilation of information from multiple lectures). These women in transition began entering int o the normally male-dominated public sphereâ€â€an unprecedented move creating a â€Å"new product†of women, according to Dorothy Richardson in her autobiography The Long Day, which discusses the transitory nature of the life of working women and how they struggled to survive (Richardson 279/†Reforming America†Lecture). From 1865 to 1917, the social and economic instability of the United States impacted women, causing them to employ coping mechanisms to counteract the uncertain times. Regardless of socioeconomic status,Show MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of South Korea1133 Words  | 5 Pagespeople grew through the years, into what has become known as the society of today. South Korea is no stranger to this and they continue to preserve its historic landmarks with pride. Although most of South Korea s history is clouded by conflict, the struggles the people have endured have only united them as one, and has helped shape the country into a great nation which the c itizens are proud of. The citizens of South Korea have seen their country beaten, conquered, divided, and still refused to letRead MoreThe Legacy Of The South Carolina1453 Words  | 6 PagesOver the last three decades several United States auto jobs have migrated to the South. Some of the things that have attracted these auto giants to these Southern States is the cost of living and operating advantages which far surpass those of their Northern counterparts, which also attract more white-collar workers. The Volvo plant is no different, their goal for building in South Carolina is an attempt to re-focus it US market share, which had long diminished. Although having these auto giantsRead MoreNigeria And South Africa The Legacy Of The British1817 Words  | 8 Pages Nigeria and South Africa-The Legacy of the British Nigeria and South Africa are two of the largest countries in Africa. These countries are very diverse with rich in cultures and and strong resources that would make any country great. However, these countries apparent strengths are what is dooming these nations. Nigeria’s rich and diverse culture is cause much tension between different regions in the nation as there is dispute over which culture has the right to the country’s resources. WhileRead MoreEssay on The Legacy of Apartheid in South Africa1635 Words  | 7 Pagesoccurred in South Africa, during the period of Apartheid. From 1948 to 1994 non-white Africans were subjected to horrific treatment, enforced by the South African National Party. The repulsive forms of racial segregation in South Africa, resulting from race and color, not only oppressed the colored majority group, but also denied them of any rights or human dignity. It can be easily stated that the apartheid movement bestowed cruel and unusual punishments upon the people of South Africa, in orderRead MoreThe Legacy Of A New Democratic South Africa948 Words  | 4 Pagesand for laying the foundations of a new democratic South Africa.†(Nobel Prize) Mandela begins building his credibility with facts and statistics, and employing emotional appeal and ultimately sustaining the readers’ interest. Mandela’s lived an eventful life and delivered a spectacular speech for his works of peace in South Africa. The records that Nelson Mandela, born in 1918 in South Africa â€Å"studied law and became one of South Africa’s first black lawyers.†(Mandela Facts) InRead MoreNelson Mandela s Legacy Of The Black People Of South Africa1567 Words  | 7 PagesNelson Mandela was a leader in every aspect for the black people of South Africa from the minute he was born to the minute he died. While Nelson Mandela was on trial for sabotage, [a crime that he did not actually commit] he said these words that defined his legacy until the day that he died, â€Å"During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democraticRead MoreSports Infrastructure Legacy And Economic Legacy872 Words  | 4 PagesWoodhou se March, 2010), it is difficult to definite the Olympic legacy due to the multidisciplinary and dynamic. But in general, the Olympic legacy is something left and have a long term influence to the Olympic host city or the state or country after holding the event. Legacies could be tangible and intangible, positive and negative, direct and indirect, intended and unintended, or measurable and not. Moreover, the content of Olympic legacy normally divides into five categories: sporting, social, environmentalRead MoreNigeri The Western Coast Of Africa1151 Words  | 5 PagesNigeria including language, education, religion, economy, transportation, and etc. So this Legacy paper will discuss about the legacy of Nigeria on religion, economy, and demographic followed by British Colonization. Nigeria has two major religions, which are Islam and Christianity. Fifty percent of populations believe in Islam, forty percent of populations believe in Christianity. Christianity is one of the legacies that British had left. Gordon said that religion was one of the ways for Nigerians usedRead MoreHow the Apartheid Came to Be in South Africa1184 Words  | 5 Pagesapartheid was introduced to South Africa. Apartheid means apartness and is the political policy of racial segregation. Each racial group was segregated from other races within South Africa. These groups consisted of whites, blacks and coloreds (Asians and Indians). The minority white population had the rule over the whole country. Apartheid did not only detach whites from non-whites, but it also set apart the Blacks from the Coloreds. When apartheid ended in 1994 a legacy was left behind. CrimeRead MoreNelson Mandela Fight For Human Rights796 Words  | 4 Pagesall over the world suffer from it. That’s why it is important to fight for human rights. There are many people who stand up to fight to keep their human rights. Nelson Mandela fought for everyone to be free. Gandhi fought to end racial injustice in South America and to be independent from Britain. Erika Andiola fought for her brother and mother’s rights from being detained because her family were immigrants. These three individuals all fought for their human rights and freedom from discrimination.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on Est1 Code of Ethics Company G - 1303 Words
Given Company| Ethics Program| | Patti BowenWestern Governors University| | Given Company Ethics Program A. INTRODUCTION Our Code of Ethics Program is designed to uphold the interests of every stakeholder of Given Company. Our mission is to uphold a high level of integrity by maintaining high company standards, values and principles to ensure the company meets its mission of being a good corporate citizen who is socially responsible. Our program provides effective guidance for daily decision making for all levels of personnel in an effort to establish and promote long-term relationships within Given Company and with our customers and community. The overall goal of the program is to be diligent in establishing a culture†¦show more content†¦Examples include, but not limited to, funds, transactions, assets, credit, property, records, or communications. Gifts, Favors, Discounts, Entertainment, Kickbacks All business must be conducted in the best interest of Given Company. Employees are not allowed to accept unsolicited gifts, favors, discounts, entertainment, and/or kickbacks, from any person or institution conducting business (active or future) with Given Company. All business activity must fall within the scope of routine business. Any activity that is for personal gain, personal motive, or would impair an employee’s judgment is strictly prohibited. Employees are expected to report any and all gifts, favors, discount, and/or entertainment as per company policy and regular business reporting practices set forth by the company. Consequences for Employee Misconduct Violations of company standards, policies, procedures, and ethics program guidelines, could result in employee reprimand, probation, suspension, salary reduction, demotion, or dismissal. In addition, employees may be held responsible for damages and/or losses, or referred for criminal prosecution or civil action. C. ETHICS EDUCATION AND TRAINING The goal of Given Company is to ensure all employees understand and comply with the established mission, values and standards of the company as presented by the company’s ethics program and policies and procedures. Given Company is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Eagle Poem - 1140 Words
â€Å"Explication†In the poem by Joy Harjo called â€Å"Eagle Poem,†Harjo talks about prayer and life and how they revolve around mother-nature. She suggests that while being one with nature, we feel we are in a place in which we haven’t imagined and the things in which we would love to do in that magnificent and calming place. After one reads the poem, he/she enjoys the lyrical type of it. This is because â€Å"Eagle Poem†sticks to one idea and extends it throughout the entire poem. For instance, it talks about prayer, nature, and animals from start to finish. In the first three lines of the poem, Harjo talks about opening oneself up to nature where you feel yourself. She does this by connecting the human body to the sky, earth, sun, and moon.†¦show more content†¦Once one finishes the poem he/she feels the want to reread it to catch something possibly missed the first time around. Then, if one learns about who Joy Harjo is and where she is from, one will truly understand this poem. After learning that the author has a Native American and Canadian ancestry, things that were unclear became extremely visible. It was easy to relate to the idea of this poem due to religious reasons and ones faith in prayer. If one believes in prayer and nature bringing peace to oneself, then one can relate to this poem in a deeper manner. â€Å"Eagle Poem†has turned out to be more enjoyable and intriguing than expected. The style throughout the poem was well thought out by Harjo though she is writing about a very soft topic. Although she is speaking from her ancestry, she effectively presents strong points in a well organized manner. Though one might not find peacefulness in everyday life, there is always that one place for everyone, just not imagined quite yet. â€Å"Poet Biography†Throughout Harjos career, she has had many accomplishments not only as a poet, but as a person in general. She has had many hardships to overcome throughout her life, but those experiences are what have made her the poet she is today. Born on May 9, 1951 in Tulsa, Oklahoma Joy Harjo comes from two well known ancestries; Native American and Canadian (Joy). In her early years she was more involved with her painter family then her nativeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Eagle Poem By Joy Harjo1449 Words  | 6 Pageswhat the poet is trying to convey, one must analyze the poem to see why and how it is compelling to the reader. In her poem â€Å"Eagle Poem,†Joy Harjo appealingly writes about the spiritual connection to the circle of life and prayer. The poem â€Å"The Street†by Octavio Paz is about life and the choices one makes. In this poem, there is a deeper meaning presented through the theme of isolation, identity, and the choices one makes i n life. The last poem to be analyzed is â€Å"Remember†by Joy Harjo which accentuatesRead MoreAnalysis Of Eagle Poem By Joy Harjo1454 Words  | 6 Pageswhat the poet is trying to convey, one must analyze the poem to see why and how it is compelling to the reader. In her poem â€Å"Eagle Poem†Joy Harjo appealingly writes about the spiritual connection to the circle of life and prayer. The poem â€Å"The Street†by Octavio Paz is about life and the choices one makes. In this poem, there is a deeper meaning presented through the theme of isolation, identity, and the choices one makes in life. The last poem I will be analyzing is â€Å"Remember†by Joy Harjo whichRead MoreDissection Of Easter Morning By Robert Frost861 Words  | 4 PagesDissection of Easter Morning The poem â€Å"Easter Morning is a part of the poetry produced by A.R. Ammons in 1981. A.R. Ammons was interested in the sciences but also held a love for literature. He liked to involve nature in his work. â€Å"Easter Morning†is very abstract, has tropes that further the images presented, and is not confined to form. â€Å"The perception of human ambiguities and abstract possibilities in homely bits of nature may have originated in Robert Frost.†(N.A. 288) His work like most otherRead More Flight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of Sugar Lips Shinehot, and Por5690 Words  | 23 PagesFlight in Song of Solomon, Native Son, A Worn Path, Sad Sweet Story of Sugar Lips Shinehot, and Portable Promised, and Land First Eagle Story Since the beginning of time all human beings have had a fascination with human flight. Watching a bird soar through the air, one cannot help but desire the same capabilities. Imagine the point of view of the bird that flies high above the trees, among the mountains, over the ocean, and high in the air, far away from the clamor of everyday life on the groundRead MoreWalt Whitman: A Strong Minded and Anxious American Author Essay696 Words  | 3 Pageshe felt. They understood that he knew what it took, so they allowed him to publish one, to see how far it took him. 2. Walt became an editor and a poet. At age 23, he edited a daily newspaper in New York, and he became editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, which was fairly important at the time. He was proud of the way he stayed confident, and focused while editing the paper. Walt made it very clear for the readers to understand. Walt’s brother read one of his articles, and next time he wrote Walt,Read MoreWhat Qualities Make Our Life Worth Value?1985 Words  | 8 Pagesour previous connived notions about them are in fact untrue. We commonly call people unintelligent pigs even though we now know that pigs are smarter than dogs. We have made the bald eagle our countries national bird because we assumed that something so majestic must be honorable denizen of the sky when bald eagles are in actuality scavengers and bullies. We are scared to swim in the ocean due to our fear of sharks when cows kill more people annually. These preconceived notions have allowed us toRead MoreWilliam Tennyson s The Fish And The Eagle993 Words  |  4 PagesBishop and Lord Alfred Tennyson. In Bishop’s poem â€Å"The Fish†and Tennyson’s poem â€Å"The Eagle†, the poets do a masterful job of telling the world how beautiful nature truly is and showing their reverence for nature through numerous literary methods. One can see how the poems â€Å"The Fish†and â€Å"The Eagle†both present a theme of reverence for nature by looking at the poet’s use of imagery, symbolism, and structure. First one can see how â€Å"The Fish†and â€Å"The eagle†portrays a theme of reverence for natureRead MoreTennyson s The Arrow And The Charge Of The Light Brigade950 Words  | 4 PagesOut of all the poems Tennyson wrote, â€Å"The Eagle†and â€Å"The Charge Of The Light Brigade†was the ones that have been selected. Tennyson was one of the greats that came from the Victorian era. Tennyson wasn’t just known for being a poet, he was also known for writing plays and music. There will be some comparing and contrasting of â€Å"The Eagle†and â€Å"The Charge Of The Light Brigade†on the poetic devices Tennyson used and what inspired him to write both these poems. Tennyson was inspired to write â€Å"TheRead MoreThe Eagle Essay631 Words  | 3 PagesMy poem was The Eagle by E.E. Cummings. This poem describes someone looking up to the sky and seeing a eagle majesticly flying in the sky. Cummings used repatition and end rhymes to make the poem more pleasing to read and hear. He also uses many, many elements of imagrey. He uses things such as The suns warm rays in line 8 to give an inital feeling of peace with the sun as a warm, comforting source. He uses repatiton on lines 13 and 14. nearer and nearer he steadily sailed, nearer and nearer heRead More The Multiple Meanings of The Sick Rose and The Eagle Essay986 Words  | 4 PagesThe Sick Rose and The Eagle After studying the two poems, The Sick Rose and The Eagle in class and the discussion among the group, it seems to me that the poems haven’t got only one single meaning. I also noticed that poems could always be interpreted in different ways with different meanings based on your point of view and your personal knowledge and experience. Poems are also open to interpretations. The Sick Rose is a very decent example of which the poems can be interpreted in
The Tragic Tragedy Of William Shakespeare s Othello
Tragedy is described as a drama that has pain, suffering, and loss. In the Merriam- Webster dictionary, we can see tragedy being defined a â€Å"disastrous event†(Webster). We also see in the dictionary that a serious drama that involves a hero’s downfall and an unhappy ending can also be classified as a tragedy. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher, provides a more comprehensive definition of tragedy based on drama in a play. Kennedy Gioia gives us, Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy that says â€Å"is an imitation of action of high importance, complete and of some amplitude; in language enhanced by distinct and varying of beauties; acted not narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions.†(Kennedy Gioia†¦show more content†¦Another one of Othello’s flaw was the fact that he can be easily fooled or tricked into believing anything. Othello is just like any other heroes in a play or tragedy. Aristotle states in his definition of a tragic hero that the hero must have a tragic flaw as one of his characteristics. Kennedy Gioia points this out in Aristotle’s definition of tragic hero that â€Å"the hero downfall is the results of his flaw or weakness of character†(Kennedy Gioia 905). Othello was able to be deceived by man who he believed was a friend to him, but Iago only wanted to bring Othello down because of his hatred for Othello. It was because this character flaw that Othello was able to murder his own wife. Iago said that Othello has a â€Å"free and open nature, that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, / And will as tenderly be led by the nose†(1.3.376-378). It’s because of this character flaw that Iago can bring Othello s downfall when Othello starts to believe Iago lies about his wife having an affair. Iago plants the seed of doubt about Othello s wife having an affair with his second in command, Cassio. Iago says to Othello to †Å"Look to your wife; observe her well with Cassio.†(3.3.211). Othello believes that his wife is having an affair due to Iago s lies and Iago bring Othello proof that was false because Othello wouldn’t believe him without any proof of some sort. Othello believes Iago because ofShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare757 Words  | 4 Pages The Tragedy of Othello by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare uses many literary devices to enhance and provide greater complexity in his works. More specifically, the theme, symbolism, and dramatic irony are used to enrich Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello. The plot is definitely engaging but the theme allows for an universal human correspondence, furthering the depth of the author’s message. The element of symbolism contributes to the theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy. Symbolism expressesRead MoreThe Concept Of Iago By William Shakespeare1163 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Concept of Iago†William Shakespeare’s plays all have a common theme: death. There is almost always death, and the play of â€Å"Othello†is no different since it ends in a â€Å"tragedy.†It begins with a man named Iago who speaks to Roderigo of how he should have received the position of lieutenant that was instead given to Cassio, a inexperienced man in his words, by Othello, the General. Iago shows distaste towards Othello, the play then goes through the story of Iago attempting to receive the positionRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello As A Tragic Hero1323 Words  | 6 PagesIn literature tragic heroes can be defined as a character that makes a flawed judgment that inevitably leads to their own demise. William Shakespeare’s Othello the Moore of Venice is a play about a heroic individual that goes through a tragic event based on his decisions throughout the play. Many of the characters that Shakespeare presents in his plays reveal attitudes and value that is refl ective of both the Elizabethan society in sixteenth century England and William Shakespeare; these values areRead MoreOthello is Not a Tragic Hero Essay1481 Words  | 6 PagesOthello has been described as one of William Shakespeare’s most popular plays because the play focuses on its themes of good and evil, military, politics, love and marriage, religion, racial prejudice, gender conflict, and sexuality; but the controversy and debate surrounding Othello is â€Å"Why is Othello a qualification for a tragedy?†Most readers are aware of the many famous deaths or acts of death within the Shakespearean plays. And when the main characters die in Shakespeare’s plays, indeedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s All The World s A Stage 1540 Words  | 7 PagesMegan Mackey Professor Raja Atallah English 1102 17 April 2017 Research Paper William Shakespeare once said, All the World’s a Stage â€â€and now his quote can be applied to his literature within his tragedies (William Shakespeare 1). The generation of people today have a much different definition of tragedies than people did during the Shakespearean times. Shakespeare’s tragedies involve a protagonist whose character is developed so that it is clear that he is a heroic figure in the setting of theRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s King Lear, Hamlet, Othello And Macbeth1206 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish 3.7: Achievement Standard 91478 Introduction Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Through analysing four tragedy texts by Shakespeare, I have noticed he uses the fall of the main character as the primary focus in his tragedies as this creates good suspense and climax as an added attraction for the audience. A Shakespearean tragedy, is a five-act play and they usually revolve around a similar idea of conflict. This is the Internal and external Conflict within the characterRead MoreEssay about Othello as Victim of Hamartia2057 Words  | 9 PagesOthello as Victim of Hamartia    By definition, a tragedy is a story that details the downfall of a protagonist. Most often, the protagonist (tragic hero) is a member of high society who is faced with an oppositional force, be it internal or external. In his Poetics, Aristotle states that tragedy is the imitation of an action; and an action implies personal agents, who necessarily possess certain distinctive qualities both of character and thought; for it is by these that we qualify actions themselvesRead More William Shakespeares Othello Essay2198 Words  | 9 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Othello Every artist needs a subject to draw inspiration fromâ€â€an idea to develop into a masterpiece. Leonardo da Vinci had Madame Lisa to portray in paint. The Beach Boys had Rhonda to render in rhyme. And William Shakespeare had one of one hundred stories written by Giraldi Cinthio to help him create his masterpiece, Othello. Each artist creates his own interpretation from his source. Shakespeare transformed the core of Cinthio’s story into a tragedy. A tragedy isRead MoreOthello The Moor Of Venice Essay1801 Words  | 8 PagesOthello, The Moor of Venice The play by William Shakespeare, Othello, The Moor of Venice, was staged for the first time in 1604, is defined as a tragedy, and Othello as a tragic hero. Othello is a tale of jealousy and revenge. The game takes place in Venice, while two friends, Roderigo and Iago, are discussing. Iago has unlucky news: Desdemona, a woman Roderigo hoping to get married to, has already married Othello, a Moorish General that leads the Republic of Venice Army troops, who married inRead MoreBetraying and Lying in Othello by William Shakespeare1726 Words  | 7 Pagesbecome the root of all evil today. People have made it an everyday thing to lie and betray people just because they like to see people broken in misery. People also lie and betray people because of jealousy they may have towards them. The tragedy of Othello explains why some people are not trustworthy. Just because some people feel like they are miserable, they try everything in their power to make the other individual miserable as well. Enemies come in different colors, shapes, and forms, making
Digital Technology on the Media Industry free essay sample
Explore the Impact of digital technologies on the music Industries In recent years, digital technologies have changed dramatically, consequentially having a significant impact on the music industry, who have been forced to alter their methods of production; to counteract the Increased fickleness of music audiences, whose tastes are ever-changing and seek instant gratification. The evolution of the music industry has been acutely influenced by the developments in technology. It could be argued that technology has been a significant challenge for style of cultural reduction, the economic relationships within these, and of course He law. In addition, whilst piracy has always been an Issue, the widespread use of Internet based distribution makes this increasingly problematic. Digital technology has never been so diverse; all the time companies are coming up with fresh plans and Innovative Ideas to cater to the way audiences consume music. Music is now available in the form of: Pods, both legal and illegal downloads, music streaming sites, music streaming software, digital radio, television channels including those targeting niche markets), mobile phones, internet sites, file sharing (both online and by members of the public). Recently there has been an Increase In legal music streaming sites, presumably in an attempt to create a compromise between free, illegal downloads and controversially expensive legal ones. This methods also means that music labels are able to have a greater input, though recently and despite their popularity, the services have come under fire for falling to compensate Independent artists fairly. Obviously noticing the decline in physical sales, and the sharp increase of online unloads, many artists began to take note and share their music via Namespace.It provides a profile for musicians, and enables them to upload their entire discography, regardless of whether or not they are signed to a record label. This has seen the launch of many a popular artist including the likes of Lily Allen, The Arctic Monkeys, Sean Kingston etc. Whereas in the past, music distribution was only available via a record, eight track, compact disk, or tape its now most commonly distributed on the internet and via the use of computers. However, with this kind of distribution comes problems, most concerning record companies. With computers becoming an essential part of our day to day lives, it is almost inevitable that they have and will have a significant impact on our music; this explains our increasing dependence for the production and distribution of it. There are numerous advantages to accessing music via the Internet, even amateur users and able to access virtually any song thats ever been produced in an extremely 1 OFF accessible to all; and meaning that its far, far more accessible than previous ethos. Many argue that while its there for the taking, user will continue to do Just that.The sheer diversity of the music genres on the internet provides a means for users to broaden their musical horizons and discover music that previously would be unheard of. Music downloading also presents the opportunity for people to sample a preview of songs before they make a purchase, which also provides a major disadvantage for artists especially those with songs that dont contain a hook, this may mean they fee l more pressure to conform to certain genres in order to be more refutable, presenting a moral dilemma.However, as for mentioned, new technologies provide less distinguished artists with an opportunity to share their music with fans, ho other wise cannot afford any other means for exposure; hence the birth of artists via Namespace. Conversely as many artists and record companies argue music distribution in this manner has many a disadvantage. For example, It has been estimated that over 95% of downloading is done illegally, and the ease of access has turned this type of illegal activity into a casual affair, which is done on a frequent basis.The concern is artists not receiving their appropriate royalties, as obviously when downloading in an illegal fashion, nothing is actually purchased. Recently there has been quite a backlash, Ninth musicians attempting to sue file sharing and music distributing sites, demanding sums of money for each song thats been illegally copied. Obviously the Issue of theft is rife, but the argument is that its the people performing the acts that are against the law that should be punished, and not the technology itself. The publicity in cases like these seem to make the artist appear less popular, andIronically its the sites that actually benefit from the media attention, by the increased hits from curious media consumers. A recent report suggests that only 5% of the music we acquire from onlin e is purchased legitimately. Its been said that at least 7 million people in Britain alone use illegal downloads, costing the economy not Just billions of pounds, but also thousands of Jobs too. David Loamy, minister for intellectual property, said: Illegal downloading robs our economy of millions of pounds every year and seriously damages business and innovation throughout the I-J.It claimed that 70% of those aged 15 to 24 did not feel guilty about downloading music for free from the internet and 61% of the age group did not feel they should have to pay for the music they listen to, according to a recent survey. Postmodernism is characterized by irony, appropriation and self-reference, the term came into popular currency in the sass and its been said to have influenced theology, art, culture, architecture, society, film, technology, and economics over the years.Its said to be a three pronged fork: sociologically (describes the way society is increasingly characterized by mesmerism, information technology and globalization), physiologically (it describes audiences increasing ability to navigate and communicate in the technologically driven modern work, but also the resultin g changes to our sense of identity) and finally, philosophically (it suggests that absolute truths are non-existent, and the high concept band, Gorillas. They have been describes as a collection of musicians, creating music in an eclectic style, with very high levels of anonymity, almost unheard of for artists these days.Gorillas are an enormously successful ritual band, created by Damon Albany in 1898, of Blur fame, and Jamie Hewlett, co- creator of the comic book (famed for the cult Tank Girl franchise). The animated band consists of four members, ID, Murder, Noodle, and Russell Hobbs. Their music is a collaboration between a diverse range of musicians, Albany having the only permanent role amongst them. The bands genre is predominately referred to as Alternative Rock; however it has a number of other influences including Britton, pop music, hip-hop, and dub. The band has released three albums so far, these beingGorillas as far back as 2001, Demon days in 2005, and most recently this year, Plastic Beach, each of which have been greatly received by the public, with the former two mentioned selling over 13 million copies collectively. Hypothetically, the Gorillas and their Virtual personalities; separates the music from the far more sellable star persona (often associated with many a manufactured band), however, in reality, the audience actually become fans of the fictional characters, and the high concept transferred their interest into the lucrative territory of cultural fantod.Though it could be argued that the concept of Gorillas is far from original, instead ut ilizing cut Jp pieces of already-established styles and genres to create something new, it is associated with a technique that is known in postmodernism as barcarole. The Gorillas slogan Reject False Icons tries to confront the trend of the superficiality of fantod; and challenge audience to care more about the music being created, as opposed to the performer. Its quite a revolutionary exploit for fans that have previously worshipped musical icons, thus sweeping away the conventional fantod. Albany reinforces the argument that Marxist have always presented, critiquing the Nay that Capitalism commodities popular culture, and the way that they package desirable identities in purchasable pop acts. The characters created from Gorillas aim to appeal to the audiences interest in the diversity and fluidity of identity, including a female guitar prodigy and a Satan loving ex convict. Their revolutionary, solely animated performances are said to blur the boundaries between what we might understand as high culture, and popular culture in the contemporary arts.The instant intellectuality references within their material ties in with their famously hybrid of cultural forms and genres, that respond to the fluidity of the identity represented, and who constantly accept and adapt to the new relationships of fantod between artists and audiences. For example, their artwork features a number of post modern characteristics, including intellectuality, hyperactivity and eclectics. However ,t his why pinpointing the band with the label of post-modern may be futile, as their unswerving attempt to transcend classification proves otherwise proves.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Quest For Personal Identity In Toni Morrisons The Essay Example For Students
Quest For Personal Identity In Toni Morrisons The Essay Bluest Eye Post World War I, many new opportunities were given to the growing and expanding group of African Americans living in the North. Almost 500,00 African Americans moved to the northern states between 1910 and 1920. This was the beginning of a continuing migration northward. More than 1,500,000 blacks went north in the 1930s and 2,500,00 in the 1940s. Life in the North was very hard for African Americans. Race riots, limited housing resulting in slum housing, and restricted job opportunities were only a few of the many hardships that the African American people had to face at this time. Families often had to separate, social agencies were overcrowded with people that all needed help, crime rates increased and many other resulting problems ensued. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison takes place during this time period. A main theme in this novel is the quest for individual identity and the influences of the family and community in that quest (Trescott). This theme is present throughout the novel and evident in many of the characters. Pecola Breedlove, Cholly Breedlove, and Pauline Breedlove and are all embodiments of this quest for identity, as well as symbols of the quest of many of the Black northern newcomers of that time. The Breedlove family is a group of people under the same roof, a family by name only. Cholly (the father) is a constantly drunk and abusive man. His abusive manner is apparent towards his wife Pauline physically and towards his daughter Pecola sexually. Pauline is a mammy to a white family and continues to favor them over her biological family. Pecola is a little black girl with low self esteem. The world has led her to believe that she is ugly and that the epitome of beautiful requires blue eyes. Therefore every night she prays that she will wake up with blue eyes. Brought up as a poor unwanted girl, Pecola Breedlove desires the acceptance and love of society. The image of Shirley Temple beauty surrounds her. In her mind, if she was to be beautiful, people would finally love and accept her. The idea that blue eyes are a necessity for beauty has been imprinted on Pecola her whole life. If I looked different, beautiful, maybe Cholly would be different, and Mrs. Breedlove too. Maybe they would say, Why look at pretty eyed Pecola. We mustnt do bad things in front of those pretty blue eyes; (Morrison 46). Many people have helped imprint this ideal of beauty on her. Mr. Yacowbski as a symbol for the rest of societys norm, treats her as if she were invisible. He does not see her, because for him there is nothing to see. How can a fifty-two-year-old white immigrant storekeeper see a little black girl? (Morrison 48). Her classmates also have an effect on her. They seem to think that because she is not beautiful, she is not worth anything except as the focal point of their mockery. Black e mo. Black e mo. Yadaddsleepsnekked. Black e mo black e mo ya dadd sleeps nekked. Black e mo. .. (Morrison 65). Shouted by her classmates on such a regular basis, this scorn seemed not to penetrate anymore. As if it were not bad enough being ridiculed by children her own age, adults also had to mock her. Geraldine, a colored woman, who refused to tolerate niggers, happened to walk in while Pecola was in her house. Get out, she said her voice quiet. You nasty little black bitch. Get out of my house (Morrison 92). By having an adult point out to her that she really was a nasty little girl, .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .postImageUrl , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:hover , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:visited , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:active { border:0!important; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:active , .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044 .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub5976ea475abfc20b2b5f068642b0044:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Confucianism And Christianity Essayit seems all the more true. Pecola was never able to get away from this kind of ridicule. At home she was put through the same thing, if not worse because her family members were the ones who were supposed to love her. Her mother was not able conceal her obvious affection towards a white girl over her. One day as Pecola was visiting her mother at the home where she is working, Pecola accidentally knocked over a blueberry pie. Obviously burned by the hot pastry, her mother completely ignored Pecolas feelings of pain and instead tended to the comforting of her white ;daughter;. ;Crazy foo my floor, mess look what you get on outcrazy crazymy floor , my floor . Her words were hotter and darker than the smoking berries. The little white girl in pink started to cry. Mrs. Breedlove turned to her. Hush, baby, hush. Dont cry .
Saturday, April 18, 2020
How to Write a Transfer Sample Essay for Rutgers University
How to Write a Transfer Sample Essay for Rutgers UniversityIf you're applying to Rutgers University, it's a good idea to write a good transfer sample essay. These four tips will help you put together a transfer sample that will attract the attention of an admissions officer.You should start by setting a goal. This is how you will measure your success. Your goal can be as specific as, 'When I graduate I want to go to Rutgers University and major in English Literature.'Next, you need to state what you need. The goal is the problem. Once you have stated your goal you need to give examples of how you have achieved it. This is the paper that will catch the attention of your prospective admissions officer.The first and most important part of this piece is the introduction. In fact, your introduction is where most writers go wrong. Don't just start writing your admissions essay. The introduction is the important part because it gets the reader to the paper's main argument.Also, you need to show how you agree with or respect the basic fact that you are writing about. In other words, you should tell the reader why they should read your application. For example, if you are applying to Rutgers University for a sociology major, you need to explain why sociology is a good major for you. This will show the admissions officer that you have a serious interest in the subject.Use a variety of sources for the information. One of the worst things you can do when writing a transfer sample is to copy and paste information from other resources. Use your own research and find quotes from books, magazines, newspapers, websites, and other places. It will make your paper more professional looking.Finally, you need to use a descriptive title for your paper and an appropriate conclusion to wrap up your transfer essay for the admissions office. The title should be the same as the one your college uses for admission and your conclusion should be something like, 'I am happy to declare that I am willing to attend Rutgers University.'Remember, your objective should be to express how you plan to use the knowledge you gained from high school. Write a transfer sample essay for admission to Rutgers University.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Avert eyes, Divert attention
Avert eyes, Divert attention Avert eyes, Divert attention Avert eyes, Divert attention By Maeve Maddox A dog trainer gives the following advice: If you pass a barking dog or other distraction, keep moving forward. If your dog averts its attention to the distraction, give a tug on the lead to avert the attention back to the walk at hand. The uses of the word avert in this passage strike me as odd because, although avert has the sense of turning, avert suggests a turning away from something, not towards it. avert: 1 : to turn away or aside (ones face, eyes, thoughts) especially in order to escape something dangerous, unpleasant, or disconcerting Merriam-Webster The dog trainer may have been reaching for the word divert: divert: 1. trans. To turn aside (a thing, as a stream, etc.) from its (proper) direction or course; to deflect (the course of something); to turn from one destination or object to another. OED The word avert suggests a turning away in the sense of moving one’s body: She averted her face from the stranger. or preventing something bad from happening: With courage and skill the pilot averted a fatal crash. Traffic is diverted. Disaster is averted. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of AdjectivesTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonWriting a Thank You Note
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Xenophobia Essays - Emotions, Fear, Anti-Islam, Islamophobia
Xenophobia Essays - Emotions, Fear, Anti-Islam, Islamophobia Samantha Jacobs Cara Copolla English 101 December 9, 2015 Xenophobia Everyone has a fear of something, this could range anywhere from being scared of the dark, to fear of heights. People are not born with fears; something significant had to have happened for them to become fearful of such thing. Fear is what helps protect our country, without being scared of getting hurt, we cannot protect ourselves. Xenophobia is an intense or irrational fear of people from other countries. Depending on the actions taken because of this phobia will affect if it has a good or bad outcome. If this fear is used for good, then it can help keep this country safe and put security back into the eyes of the American citizens. Maggie Baker says Xenophobia is neither the fear of Xeni, nor of Xena. Rather, it's more about knee-jerk mistrust, dislike, and hatred for people who aren't part of your group Although this may be true, it must be taken into consideration of why that fear was built. Looking at the news it is easy to see that foreigners target America. The biggest historical event that happened was the 2001 terrorist attack on the twin towers. An Islam got onto a plane as the captain and flew the plane directly into the left tower, while this happened another plane was heading towards the white house where thankfully the passengers on the plane understood what was happening and managed to crash the plane before it got to the White House. As this all happened there was live video and as Carla Raisler said I was in OCharleys having a birthday dinner with my daughter and I remember seeing on every television screen the twin towers collapsing and smoke everywhere. As I saw this happening all I could think was how we need to capture the people who did this to us. We are the United States of America and it is our job to provide security, 2,996 Americans lost their lives that day and we need to make sure that it never happens again. In order to provide security we were able to learn from former incidents, such as 9/11, we now have high security at airports and every bag, and person is thoroughly checked. This is not Americans being rude and having hatred for one specific group of people. This is America making sure that what happened all those years ago will never happens again. In the last 15 years there have been over 45 different terrorist attacks in the United States, some have caused more deaths than others but either way that number should not be as high as it is. In 2009 A Muslim psychiatrist killed13 unarmed soldiers while 39 were injured. In 2013 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and causing 264 more to lose limbs. Just recently on December 2, 2015 a Muslim goes to a Christmas party with his wife and kills 13 people. When situations like these happen on a daily basis how are we as Americans not supposed to be scared? We should not judge a book by its cover, with that being said, we as Americans should not discriminate towards others with certain backgrounds. Not everyone is a bad person and as Theodore Roosevelt said In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people. This is what everyone needs to understand, Xenophobia may be
Monday, February 24, 2020
The Benefits of Sweatshops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Benefits of Sweatshops - Essay Example The reason for this is that, when a customer buys a product that is manufactured in a sweatshop then he/she is providing economic support to them by inducing demand. Thus, if discourse is to be centered strictly on morals, the average consumer is found guilty in entirety.However, the more important question that should be pondered over is what is the average consumer specifically guilty of? To make this clear, we need to define the term â€Å"sweatshop†, however like most subjects of economic discourse that are under hot debate, the very definition of this term remains controversial. Sweatshops use a particular method of production but cannot be completely tied to one type of industry. Sweatshops also have a legal connotation. The U.S. General Accounting Office characterize a sweatshop as â€Å"an employer that violates more than one federal or state law governing minimum wage and overtime, child labor, industrial homework, occupational safety and health, workers compensation , or industry regulation.†However, this definition is too constricted and not wide enough to be applied to the term as a standard definition. Furthermore, it makes it seem like the attachment of negative moral connotations is inherent to sweatshops.In his article â€Å"The Case for Sweatshops†, David R. Henderson talks about why sweatshops are actually economically very beneficial and not inherently bad as implied by the people who study it in an isolated moral context. This article cites an instance where a female sweatshop worker when asked during an interview urges people to be more forthcoming in buying the products people like her spend hours making. Where on one side, people who oppose the existence of sweatshops, their working environment and conditions, they forget that on the other side, sweatshops form an important part of economic activity in third world countries by providing jobs in large numbers to people who would otherwise be unemployed and cause a stra in on their economy. The author makes a very substantial point here, in that a job whether it is of a high level or a low one is a consensual exchange. The person applying for the job thinks him/her suitable for the job and if the employer agrees then the person is hired. No one is forcing anyone to work in sweatshops, this is not slave labor. These jobs are often the best alternative option available to people like the one cited in this article in third world countries. There are even instances where people in these countries have left lower paying jobs that had even worse working conditions to start work in sweatshops because in their circumstances a job in a sweatshop was a far better option. Sweatshops also form a vital stepping stone in the economic development of third world countries. The first world is very different from the third world, their demographics are different and their economies have different characteristics and thus the issues they face are also completely diff erent in nature and magnitude. Where in first world countries, child labor is considered inhumane; in third world countries the practice of child labor is vital for the economic sustenance of many households. If these children were forced to quit their jobs because the first world thought child labor was unethical and these children should rather be in schools, those that brought about this change should see how far reality is from the
Friday, February 7, 2020
Project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10
Project management - Essay Example The aim of this report is to develop a project management plan for Biz Group based on the project problem statement identified above. Project is defined as â€Å"a unique, finite set of multiple activities intended to accomplish a specific goal†(Tayntor, 2010:3). Practically every project is comprised of key milestones which represent a simple life cycle. Project life cycle is characterized by the Project Management Institute’s PMBOK as a process containing the following key levels: Project StartïÆ' Initiating Processes ïÆ' Planning Processes ïÆ' Executing Processes ïÆ' Closing Processes ïÆ' Project End (Kendrick 2010:58). Project management plan is based on three key pillars (scope, time, and money), forming thus a triangle of three objectives. However, in order to start any project it is necessary to receive authorization of the project. Project Authorization is a general process of verifying a proposed project for initiation and further development, which aims to confirm feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the project (, 2014). The Charter of the Project is recognized to be the single most important document in a project, as it establishes the project and summarizes the key information related to the project (Tayntor, 2010). The project â€Å"Documentum†was initiated by the Biz Group management with the purpose to implement a standardized process for monitoring, updating and publishing unstructured and paper based content used in various department manuals by providing an automated system. Below is provided a brief summary of the Project â€Å"Documentum†Project Objective: to automate the Manuals and Training material, approval process with the help of workflows and finally publish it to all relevant applications, documents and people thorough electronic means CEO of Biz Group: The CEO of Biz Group
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Devil’s Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea Essay Example for Free
The Devil’s Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea Essay Luis Alberto Urrea has done thorough research over the topic of illegal immigration and the problems people face while crossing the border before writing this book. Most of them die in the mid of their journey as they have to cross on foot which is very dangerous and involves a lot of risk. Urrea describes the situation and facts so lively that the reader gets completely involved and almost starts feeling the pain by which these men might have gone through. Urrea wants to point out that these illegal immigrants as human eings and wants them to be treated likely because the process of immigration takes us back into the history when men were needed in US to do some odd jobs that the citizens were not willing to do. Also these people could be paid less and thus helped indirectly in the economy of the country. But seeing some of the Mexicans well settled in US lot of them wanted to come and this gave rise to people like Don Moi to create mafia too. The Arizona desert is considered as the devil’s highway because it is deadly. Getting lost nd water are continuous problems that men face there. The description of different kinds of death makes the reader breathless and this looks quite close to reality as they tell their personal stories and the reasons behind why each one is risking his life. Urrea uses terms like ‘cutting the drag’ and explains the reader how these men carry themselves forward in that unimaginably strong sun and drag their body in extreme hot conditions. He also uses terms like ‘a pig at a luau’, which is used to describe the type of death these men were getting in that deadly desert due to heat. The ‘signcutters’ like Don Moi in the story takes away his cut of interest and leave the men in the way lost, as there are no signposts in the way to guide them. Urrea spends a lot of time on the point of view of the Border Petrol because he wants to show the real picture to the readers. He has done complete research work and has interviewed the various politicians on each side. Some of them are in favor of immigration while many want to build a high wall from one end to other end of Border. He wants to tell the reader that the common and poor people suffer due to this kind of politics. The two sides of the story tell the reality of both immigrants and the problems they face and activities involved at the border like patrolling and maintaining them. Urrea has very beautifully mixed the two stories and makes the reader feel the real picture behind what people actually think of. The Devil’s Highway’ is considered as literary nonfiction because it is a story based on acts and author has done a great job of blending reality with story. The facts are so well described in the pattern of story telling that reader actually feels pain and almost relive the story along with words used by writer. Urrea tells the story in a very fascinating way and even gives brief description of each individual, his life and reason why he wants to immigrate. This makes the story even more interesting and live. The book is ‘literary’ because reader is almost linked to facts through the story.
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