Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Legacy Of The South - 854 Words
The South was in ruin. Politically, economically and socially, the post-Civil War South had to rebuild everything from its infrastructure to an economy no longer based on slave labor (â€Å"The New South†Lecture). Reconstruction found the southern United States in crisis and the rest of the country on the verge of exponential growth. Fortune seekers and families alike began moving West, followed by African Americans leaving the South in record numbers in the 1880s, heading toward the industrial cities of the northeast (â€Å"Industrialism†Lecture). A large influx of immigrant workers coupled with new management techniques and technologies, including assembly line production, created an America in transition, especially for women. Black, white, native-born or immigrant, American women found themselves moving West, helping rebuild their communities, or working in factories (Compilation of information from multiple lectures). These women in transition began entering int o the normally male-dominated public sphereâ€â€an unprecedented move creating a â€Å"new product†of women, according to Dorothy Richardson in her autobiography The Long Day, which discusses the transitory nature of the life of working women and how they struggled to survive (Richardson 279/†Reforming America†Lecture). From 1865 to 1917, the social and economic instability of the United States impacted women, causing them to employ coping mechanisms to counteract the uncertain times. Regardless of socioeconomic status,Show MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of South Korea1133 Words  | 5 Pagespeople grew through the years, into what has become known as the society of today. South Korea is no stranger to this and they continue to preserve its historic landmarks with pride. 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