Sunday, January 5, 2020
Simple Cuisiner (to Cook) Verb Conjugations in French
When you want to say to cook in French you have two options. One is cuire and the other is cuisiner, which is the subject of this verb conjugation lesson. Since we borrowed the word cuisine in English to speak about styles of food, this one should be easy to remember. Conjugating the French Verb Cuisiner Cuisiner is a regular -ER verb and that makes conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense just a little easier. Thats because this is the most common verb conjugation pattern found in French. Once you learn the appropriate verb endings for cuisiner, you can apply them to countless other verbs. To conjugate cuisiner, begin by identifying the verb stem: cuisin-. To this, various endings are added to match the tense to the appropriate subject pronoun for your sentence. For example, I cook is je cuisine and we will cook is nous cuisinerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je cuisine cuisinerai cuisinais tu cuisines cuisineras cuisinais il cuisine cuisinera cuisinait nous cuisinons cuisinerons cuisinions vous cuisinez cuisinerez cuisiniez ils cuisinent cuisineront cuisinaient The Present Participle of Cuisiner The present participle of cuisiner is cuisinant. This is formed by simply adding -ant to the verb stem and it can also act as an adjective, gerund, or noun. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © A common way to express the past tense cooked in French is with the passà © composà ©. To construct it, you must first conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to match the subject pronoun. The past participle cuisinà ©Ã‚ is then added. It all comes together quickly: I cooked is jai cuisinà © and we cooked is nous avons cuisinà ©. Note how ai and avons are conjugates of avoir and that the past participle does not change. More Simple Cuisiner Conjugations Among the other simple conjugations of cuisiner that you might need are the following. The verb moods of the subjunctive and the conditional imply that the action of cooking may not be guaranteed. In literature, you might also find the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je cuisine cuisinerais cuisinai cuisinasse tu cuisines cuisinerais cuisinas cuisinasses il cuisine cuisinerait cuisina cuisint nous cuisinions cuisinerions cuisinmes cuisinassions vous cuisiniez cuisineriez cuisintes cuisinassiez ils cuisinent cuisineraient cuisinrent cuisinassent To express cuisiner in exclamations, requests, or demands, use the imperative form. When doing so, the subject pronoun is not required: use cuisine rather than tu cuisine. Imperative (tu) cuisine (nous) cuisinons (vous) cuisinez
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